Marriage Contract Drafting in Dubai
Divorce in Dubai: Laws, Process and Documents

Marriage Contract Drafting in Dubai

A marriage contract in Dubai is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions agreed upon by both parties entering into marriage....

Marriage Certificate Attestation in Dubai
Divorce in Dubai: Laws, Process and Documents

Marriage Certificate Attestation in Dubai

Marriage certificate attestation is the process of validating and legalizing a marriage certificate for use in Dubai and other countries. This procedu...

Foreigner Marriage Legal Process in Dubai
Divorce in Dubai: Laws, Process and Documents

Foreigner Marriage Legal Process in Dubai

Dubai marriage law is a complex blend of Islamic Sharia law and civil regulations. The UAE Federal Law No. 28 of 2005 on Personal Status governs marri...

Court Marriage Appointment in Dubai
Divorce in Dubai: Laws, Process and Documents

Court Marriage Appointment in Dubai

The legal framework for marriage in Dubai is governed by Federal Law No. 28 of 2005 on Personal Status and its amendments. This law outlines the requi...