Legal Separation in Dubai
Divorce in Dubai: Laws, Process and Documents

Legal Separation in Dubai

Legal separation in Dubai is a formal process that allows married couples to live apart while remaining legally married.

Expat Divorce Lawyer in Dubai
Divorce in Dubai: Laws, Process and Documents

Expat Divorce Lawyer in Dubai

Expat divorce in Dubai involves the legal termination of a marriage between non-UAE nationals residing in the emirate.

Custody Dispute Resolution in Dubai
Divorce in Dubai: Laws, Process and Documents

Custody Dispute Resolution in Dubai

The UAE Personal Status Law, particularly Federal Law No. 28 of 2005, forms the foundation for custody matters in Dubai. This law outlines the rights...

Contested vs Uncontested Divorce in Dubai
Divorce in Dubai: Laws, Process and Documents

Contested vs Uncontested Divorce in Dubai

A contested divorce in Dubai occurs when spouses cannot agree on one or more key issues related to their separation. These disagreements can involve v...

How to File for Divorce in Dubai
Divorce in Dubai: Laws, Process and Documents

How to File for Divorce in Dubai

Divorce in Dubai is governed by UAE federal law and Sharia principles. The UAE Personal Status Law (Federal Law No. 28 of 2005) serves as the primary...